# GPL ### The Good Parts of WordPress by [@anttiviljami](http://twitter.com/anttiviljami)
## WordPress is GPL.
GNU General Public License (version 2 or later)
## It's Open Source ! [![Make WordPress Core](assets/screenshot0.png)](https://core.trac.wordpress.org/browser/)
## TL;DR; [![gpl license](assets/screenshot3.png)](http://www.gnu.org/licenses/old-licenses/gpl-2.0.txt)
## What else does it say?
## Let's ask this guy Image Source: [https://stallman.org](stallman.org)
## The 4 Freedoms of Free Software
  1. The freedom to run the program as you wish, for any purpose
  1. The freedom to study how the program works, and change it so it does your computing as you wish
  1. The freedom to redistribute copies so you can help your neighbor
  1. The freedom to distribute copies of your modified versions to others
## OK, cool
### But seriously, why should I care?
Did you know that all your WordPress code is GPL too?
### Yeah, it is.
That's a good thing! Right?
> “(GPL) is a cancer that attaches itself in an intellectual property sense to everything it touches.” *- Steve Ballmer*
Open Source is awesome!
### You own it WordPress is freely available to anyone to use for any purpose, and *without permission*.
### Quality Lots of people, even huge companies rely on WordPress. Everyone benefits.
### Extendable You can create your own plugins and themes to do anything you want.
Yes, You are allowed to sell GPL themes and plugins.
## Misconception #1 You can't make money with GPL code.
These guys seem to be doing pretty well
Envato WooThemes Yoast
## Misconception #2 You don't have to pay money for GPL plugins or themes
The Premium Plugin / Theme model: 0. Updates 0. Support 0. Bug Fixes

GPL means Free as in Freedom

Not as in Free Beer

## Misconception #3 Premium Plugins and Themes aren't GPL
Yes, They are.
> "PHP in WordPress themes must be GPL, artwork and CSS may be but are not required." *- Matt Mullenweg*

Plugins, by definition, use WordPress GPL codebase.

They are considered derivatives.

So are themes.

## Misconception #4 Open Source software like WordPress is developed by Hobbyists for free

Venture investments in Open Source

2011 2012 2013 2014
Investments $398M $669M $920M $1.3B
Average Deal $8M $14M $18M $33.9M
Num. deals 49 49 51 39

Source: 2015 Future of Open Source Survey

Would you do it for free?

Open Source and GPL are what make WordPress so great!

Support and celebrate it!

### Image credits: [giphy.com](https://giphy.com), [wikipedia.org](https://wikipedia.org), [wired.com](https://wired.com), [stallman.org](https://stallman.org)